Arsenal Fc Squad 2017 2018

Arsenal FC Squad 2017-2018

Squad Overview

This page displays a detailed overview of the Arsenal FC squad for the 2017-2018 season. The club had a total of 23 players in the squad, with an average age of 25. The squad had a good balance of experience and youth, with several players under 24 years old.

Key Players

Some of the key players in the squad included Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, Alexandre Lacazette, Mesut Özil, and Granit Xhaka. Aubameyang was the club's top scorer with 14 goals in all competitions, while Lacazette added 10 goals. Özil and Xhaka were both influential players in midfield, with Özil providing 8 assists and Xhaka scoring 4 goals.


The 2017-2018 season was a challenging one for Arsenal FC. The club finished 6th in the Premier League, their lowest finish since 1995. The club also had a disappointing run in the Champions League, being eliminated in the Round of 16 by Bayern Munich.

Despite the disappointing results, there were some positives to take from the season. The club's young players, such as Ainsley Maitland-Niles and Reiss Nelson, showed promise. The club also made some good signings in the summer of 2018, including Lucas Torreira and Bernd Leno.


The 2017-2018 season was a disappointing one for Arsenal FC, but there were some positives to take from the season. The club's young players showed promise, and the club made some good signings in the summer of 2018. The club will be hoping for a better season in 2018-2019.

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